
Hello everyone! I hope you’re having a good time now. Since I have completely changed my career from teaching to research, I would like you guys to check out my new wordpress account. This time I will be more active there and mostly discussing my scientific career. I’ll also try to make it more fun by continuous updates and also by posting my literary pieces. In due time I will close this account and I really thank you all for visiting. Please drop me a message in my new account at espinasninoa.wordpress.com (3rd World Academic). Thanks again!


Nino A. Espinas


Please follow this link: BIOTA

Hello Biology teachers!

I’ll try to post the schedule of BIOTA as soon as possible. For the mean time please refer to my earlier post entitled, “BIOTA membership answer to all the queries sent” for your reference. Also, much of the powerpoint presentations were quite outdated already so try to update them by yourselves. We must strive to excel in the things we teach for we are responsible in every information we give our students. Whether you’re from a small city high school or provincial high school, there is no room for lousy lessons. Good luck to all!

And don’t forget to stay happy while teaching!




Hi Biology teachers and enthusiasts!

It has been a long time since I posted something here. A lot of you have been eager to join BIOTA Philippines as evidenced by lots of queries I received. Anyway, to make it easier for me and you, I will once and for all give a short explanation on how to join BIOTA here and now. Since BIOTA has not set up yet its website and most of you are (I bet) directed to my wordpress account, I’d like to give you a few instructions on how to become a BIOTA member.

STEP 1: Ask the BIOTA officers of any existing BIOTA organizations near you (local)

The current BIOTA president is Dr. Jessamyn O. Yazon of the Philippine Science High School-Main Campus (Agham Road, Diliman, Quezon City). Here is her email address: jyazon77@yahoo.com

Step 2: Attend the local  (happening at variable time periods) and most especially the National BIOTA Conventions which is usually held every 1st week of April. I’ll try to post any available information but since I’m out of the country right now it would be wiser for you to directly contact Dr. Yazon as she can give you the most up-to-date information about it.

Step 3: Enjoy teaching and learning!

When attending  conferences please avoid the following unprofessional behaviors:

1. Sleeping while attending lectures. Please drink lots of coffee and sleep early if you can’t keep up with the lectures.

2. Asking for a full PPT presentation of a speaker. Don’t ask for a full PPT from a speaker since a lot of the information are copyrighted and or for personal and for short communication purposes only. This behavior also triggers most of us to slack hoping that we’ll get the presentation and then finding one day that we haven’t opened those PPT’s at all. Copy the most important stuff and ASK questions and in any case just ask for the abstract.Laziness in the academe should never be tolerated.

Thanks and happy teaching!




Watch out for the launching of BIOTA website! Coming Soon!

BIOTA Convention 2nd announcement

Marni E. Cueno is currently a PhD student of Nagoya City University working on HIV vaccines derived from Plants.

Check out Marni Cueno’s publications here!

Marni Cueno Paper 1

Marni Cueno Paper 2

Dear Sir/Madame:


We are pleased to inform you that Metrobank Foundation is now accepting nominations for the 2010 Search for Outstanding Teachers.

The deadline for the submission of nomination form is on February 15, 2010 (Monday) at the Metrobank Foundation office, 15th Floor Metrobank Plaza , Makati City or at any Metrobank Branch nearest you. Our branches shall receive nominations on this date until 5:00 P.M.

As one of the leading schools in the country that produces outstanding teachers and students, we hope for your participation in this year’s Search.

Following the two-step nomination process, the first round of nominations shall only entail direct submission of duly-signed nomination forms. No supporting documents are required yet except for some requirements indicated in the enclosed nomination form.

Should you need to clarify anything about the Search, please call our office at tel. nos. (02) 898-8898 / 8855 / 88556 and look for Mr. Allan Reyes (0922) 898-8855 or Mr. Emil Tapnio (0917) 355-1100 or e-mail us at aareyes@metrobank. com.ph, ebtapnio@metrobank. com.ph or mbfi_sot@yahoo. com.

Very truly yours,



Deputy Executive Director

Metrobank Foundation, Inc.

Download Files here:



Here’s a pdf from DOST. Alternatively, you can visit the Panasonic Philippines website.


Sea slug steals genes for greens, makes chlorophyll like a plant

Comment: hmmm…I still doubt the entire thing because it seems 1. Gene flow is easily done by ingesting; 2. the entire photosynthetic machinery evolved in a span of millions of  years before the first cyanobacteria were able to perform photosynthesis;3. although, the basic ingredients of photosynthesis such as glutamate and porphyrins are present in animals, still there is a lot of explanation to be done regarding its biosynthetic pathway; 4. I think it’s  a highly specialized interaction at the biochemical/cellular level with photosynthesis still maintained by the algal species.  Nice to think about! Ask your students about their opinion!

Happy teaching!

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